The 2022 Local Authors Expo is perfect way to network with other local authors and discover your new favorite author, like Kim Robinson. She will be at the Local Authors Expo on Saturday, November 5, 10:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m., at the Central Library.
Get some insight into her as an author in this brief Q&A and meet her at the expo this weekend.
BPL: Tell me about your book.Robinson: The work engages the abused, those who are ready to work towards freedom, and those who would like to understand the road a trauma victim travels. The goal was to use my personal story, hurts, pains, triumphs, and lessons to encourage overcoming obstacles. I hope to empower the younger generation and challenge the older generation to live life full and free.
BPL: What inspired you to write your book(s)?
Robinson: I wanted to show victims that they have a voice and that they are not alone. I wanted to ignite their power within and help them to live whole, balanced, and free.
IBPL: Who is your favorite author and why?
Robinson: Maya Angelou
BPL: What do you hope readers get out of your books?
Robinson: The desire, inspiration, and power to get up and work on growing free and living full. I hope the readers find tools and direction to overcome and transcend abuse through my story.
BPL: Any advice you would give for new authors of those desiring to become an author?
Robinson: Yes, grab a copy of my next book, The Non-Writers Workbook where I share my personal journey through creating and publishing my first book. I would also encourage them to follow me on @GrowingFree on Facebook or @GrowingFreellc on Instagram to get details about [the] next writer's workshop.
You can purchase a copy of her books online or purchase a copy at the Local Authors Expo on Saturday, November 5, at the Central Library, 10:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.
Click here to see the full list of the authors and publishers coming.
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