The Birmingham Public Library, in remembrance of Henrietta Lacks, is presenting two days of programs celebrating and analyzing the impact she has on our current world.
Henrietta Lacks is known for having her cells cultured by doctors during a biopsy without her consent or knowledge. Following Lack's death in 1951, those cells would become very important to scientific and product testing.
Questions and concerns regarding Henrietta's privacy and consent remain an important discussion today.
On Monday, October 3, the Central Library will be showing The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks from 2017, starring Oprah Winfrey, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.The following day, Tuesday, October 4, on the 71st anniversary of Henrietta Lack's death, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., we are pleased to have UAB professor and bioethicist Dr. Gregory Pence. Dr. Pence will speak on how Henrietta Lacks' story has become a political and ethical issue regarding medical consent, as well as race and bodily rights. A Q&A will follow Dr. Pence's presentation.
By Weston Flippo | Librarian Ⅰ, Central Library
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